Thursday, September 10, 2009

Taquina Beer

Imagen Taquiña final

We see a lot of packaging every day (especially if you're a regular at The Dieline) so it's easy to overlook some exceptional design work. On the surface, there are designs that look classic, expected and not really extraordinary. Yet, they are carefully crafted to create a major impact on the marketplace they're intended for. This is what makes the craft of packaging design different from other forms of identity and design-at-large. A lot of strategic thinking and planning goes into packaging design - especially updates and rebrands for established consumer brands.

Pierini Partners in Argentina took the existing Taquina brand and polished it up - with great results. Take an inside look into the redesign process with some great images highlighting the details.

Below: before and after of key details in the design. Via TheDieline

Ajustes vi%F1etas

Ajustes marca

DEtalles taquiña

Sistema variedades

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